Why join a local church?
We believe that the Bible affirms church membership as a normal part of following Christ. The New Testament teaches that Christians are to walk in their faith with one another, using their spiritual gifts for the good of a local church, and submitting to the accountability and encouragment of other believers (Acts 2:37-47; Romans 12:3-8; Matthew 16:15-20; Hebrews 13:17).
What is required to be a member?
If a person desires to join First Baptist Millersville in membership, the first step is to let one of the pastors know in order to schedule a membership meeting. During that meeting, the pastor will go over the church's statement of faith, constitution, and membership covenant and cover any questions. If the person is in agreement with the church's beliefs and desires to commit to membership, then the church will vote on receiving them during a church service.
What is baptism?
We understand from the Bible that baptism is the public profession of the change that God has brought about in an individual's heart. It is to be performed by those who have placed their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and is to be done by immersion in accordance with the pattern of Jesus' burial and resurrection (Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 6:1-4).
A person desiring to be baptized can notify one of the pastors to arrange a time for the baptism, usually near the beginning of one of the public worship services.